Project Timeframe: 1st of December – 22nd of December 2023

Tools: Figma, Miro, Canva & Clipchamp

This project was my submission for the 2023 Uxcel Design Contest. I am very proud and honored to have been shortlisted in the top 30 submissions.

Please note that I treated this project as a showcase of the design knowledge and skills I had developed throughout 2023; this resulted in the project being highly extensive and not in a concise case-study format.


This report is to accompany my submission for the Uxcel 2023 Design Contest. The task is as follows: “Design a search and booking experience to help people easily discover holiday-related events and experiences in their location of choice”. This report is structured by background information and then by following the 5 stages of the design thinking process. The 5 stages include stages of empathise, define, ideate, prototype and test. After these stages have been explored in this context, the stages prototype and test are revisited. The design system, Christmas Finder branding including logos and brand colour pallet, reflection and conclusion follow the design thinking process stages. Figma was used as the design and prototyping tool, Figma Community for Icons, Canva for the logo design and personas, Miro for brainstorming activities and some information compilation and Microsoft Clipchamp was used to create the interactive prototype video.

Submission Files

A link to the Figma file which shows the high-fidelity full design can be found below: ******

Link to the Google Drive Containing all Documents for this Submission

